Implant-Supported Prosthetics

Many people are missing multiple teeth in a single area of their mouth or more than one area. This problem is frequently solved with a dental prosthetic, such as a partial, denture, or bridge made of one or more materials. However, these prosthetics often do not function like natural teeth or do not fit properly over time. Because most of these prosthetics are removable, they can be lost, broken, or eaten by your pets at home. So, are traditional prosthetics your ONLY choice? 

Implant Supported Prosthetics are a modern solution to an age-old problem.

Dental implants are surgically placed ceramic or titanium root replacements that integrate naturally with the surrounding bone. This serves as a post to which a prosthetic, or false tooth, can be attached to replace missing teeth. Single-tooth implants are an excellent way to replace one or two missing teeth, but what if you are missing more than one tooth? You could get a partial denture or a bridge that is supported by implants! What if you lost all of your teeth on either the upper or lower arch? You might even be able to get a full implant-supported denture.